


  • perftest:RDMA性能测试工具


yum install perftest

GPU 的P2P连接

使用 nvidia-smi topo -m 命令查看GPU的P2P连接情况

Apptainer> nvidia-smi topo -m
        GPU0    GPU1    GPU2    GPU3    CPU Affinity    NUMA Affinity   GPU NUMA ID
GPU0     X      NODE    SYS     SYS     0-37,76-113     0               N/A
GPU1    NODE     X      SYS     SYS     0-37,76-113     0               N/A
GPU2    SYS     SYS      X      NODE    38-75,114-151   1               N/A
GPU3    SYS     SYS     NODE     X      38-75,114-151   1               N/A


  X    = Self
  SYS  = Connection traversing PCIe as well as the SMP interconnect between NUMA nodes (e.g., QPI/UPI)
  NODE = Connection traversing PCIe as well as the interconnect between PCIe Host Bridges within a NUMA node
  PHB  = Connection traversing PCIe as well as a PCIe Host Bridge (typically the CPU)
  PXB  = Connection traversing multiple PCIe bridges (without traversing the PCIe Host Bridge)
  PIX  = Connection traversing at most a single PCIe bridge
  NV#  = Connection traversing a bonded set of # NVLinks
# 根据输出结果可知,GPU0与GPU1相连接,GPU2与GPU3相连接。



ib_send_lat 	延迟测试发送事务(latency test with send transactions)
ib_send_bw 	    带宽测试发送事务(bandwidth test with send transactions)
ib_write_lat 	使用RDMA写事务进行延迟测试(latency test with RDMA write transactions)
ib_write_bw 	带宽测试与RDMA写事务(bandwidth test with RDMA write transactions)
ib_read_lat 	使用RDMA读事务进行延迟测试(latency test with RDMA read transactions)
ib_read_bw 	    带宽测试与RDMA读事务(bandwidth test with RDMA read transactions)
ib_atomic_lat	使用原子事务进行延迟测试(latency test with atomic transactions)
ib_atomic_bw 	使用原子事务进行带宽测试(bandwidth test with atomic transactions)





ib_send_bw -a -F -d hfi1_0
# -a 参数可递增测试出最大带宽的msg size
# hfi1_0 是A服务器的上的device, 可以通过 ibstatus 命令进行查询


ib_send_bw -a -F -d hfi1_0 
# hfi1_0 B服务器上IP网段为192.168.112.xxx的device, 可以通过 ibstatus 命令进行查询
# 最后的ip是A服务器相同网段的ip


[root@c6 ~]# ib_send_bw -a -F -d hfi1_0

[root@c5 ~]# ib_send_bw -a -F -d hfi1_0
                    RDMA_Write BW Test
 Dual-port       : OFF          Device         : hfi1_0
 Number of qps   : 1            Transport type : IB
 Connection type : RC           Using SRQ      : OFF
 PCIe relax order: ON
 ibv_wr* API     : OFF
 TX depth        : 128
 CQ Moderation   : 100
 Mtu             : 4096[B]
 Link type       : IB
 Max inline data : 0[B]
 rdma_cm QPs     : OFF
 Data ex. method : Ethernet
 local address: LID 0x0c QPN 0x003e PSN 0xb31ee0 RKey 0x8c8d00 VAddr 0x0014a81bb87000
 remote address: LID 0x0e QPN 0x003e PSN 0xc97b86 RKey 0x8c8d00 VAddr 0x0014e94b2ff000
 #bytes     #iterations    BW peak[MB/sec]    BW average[MB/sec]   MsgRate[Mpps]
 2          5000             1.18               1.11               0.579452
 4          5000             2.05               1.97               0.517667
 8          5000             4.02               3.98               0.522262
 16         5000             8.14               7.96               0.521719
 32         5000             19.36              17.53              0.574268
 64         5000             32.15              31.80              0.521064
 128        5000             63.47              62.68              0.513446
 256        5000             124.11             120.75             0.494573
 512        5000             408.21             377.21             0.772536
 1024       5000             811.05             774.87             0.793469
 2048       5000             1470.13            1445.19            0.739936
 4096       5000             2803.63            2689.07            0.688403
 8192       5000             3280.03            3258.14            0.417042
 16384      5000             3277.16            3276.55            0.209699
 32768      5000             3291.12            3289.98            0.105279
 65536      5000             3299.75            3299.69            0.052795
 131072     5000             3298.96            3298.95            0.026392
 262144     5000             3306.67            3306.66            0.013227
 524288     5000             3307.30            3307.29            0.006615
 1048576    5000             3307.21            3307.21            0.003307
 2097152    5000             3305.91            3305.91            0.001653
 4194304    5000             3307.09            3307.00            0.000827
 8388608    5000             3307.72            3307.08            0.000413

ib_send_lat/ib_write_lat (时延)


[root@c6 ~]# ib_write_lat -a -F -d hfi1_0

[root@c5 ~]# ib_write_lat -a -F -d hfi1_0

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